
For Families

Riva Everywhere

We’re ready to quickly transition to learning at home should the need arise in the future.

Riva Everywhere will ensure continuity of teaching and learning for students, support for parents and families, and the resources and expertise of our school and staff available to each student.

Should a classroom, year group or range of students be required to remain at home for a period of time, Riva Everywhere will be there to provide stability, certainty, connection and learning.

Here’s how we’ll do it.


Riva Primary School uses Seesaw as our schoolwide online platform. Most students are already connected to their online journal, with parent consent. Should the need arise for online teaching and learning, resources, media, and online teacher interaction will occur through the Seesaw platform.

If you need to be added to your child’s account, please email


All of our learning programs are capable of being delivered without the need for technology as hard-copy work packages. If required, the school will advise of pick-up or delivery options and would have these in hand within 24 hours.

Our standard package covers one week. Ongoing packages have been developed should the need arise.

Anywhere, anytime

With the combination of online and hard-copy resources, flexible options and a direct support line Riva Everywhere is ready, open for learning, and, like everything at Riva, is inclusive.


For curriculum, learning and technical support reach out to Riva Everywhere at